Sunday, 7 July 2013

Mini Stroke Symptom - What Does A Mini Stroke Symptom Look Like?


Are you wondering if what you are seeing is a Mini Stroke Symptom? This article will help you identify what a Mini Stroke Symptom may look like. If you or someone dear to you, is exhibiting a Mini Stroke Symptom, get them immediate medical care.
Mini Stroke Symptom - Taste, Vision and Speech
Some people who have suffered a stroke report a change in their sense of taste. Other stroke patients have reported a complete loss of their ability to taste. Depending upon which part of the brain is affected by the stroke will determine the extent of the damage, as well as how the Mini Stroke Symptom manifests itself. But, it is not just the sense of taste that is affected by a stroke. Many stroke patients report a change in their ability to focus, see clearly and in some cases, see at all.
Another common Mini Stroke Symptom is the loss of speech. A person may be having a stroke if they are suddenly not able to speak clearly and coherently. For the person experiencing the Mini Stroke Symptom, this may prove to be a very trying and difficult time. In his mind, they are able to "hear" themselves speak, they know the correct words to say and how to string them together to make a coherent sentence. But, they are not able to verbalize their thoughts clearly. Depending upon the severity of the stroke, some people have to relearn how to speak and walk.
Mini Stroke Symptom - Muscle Weakness, Numbness and Trembles
One of the most prominent Mini Stroke Symptom is an overall sense of muscle weakness. Numbness, in all or part of the body is another Mini Stroke Symptom to be aware of. If you or someone you are with begins to complain about numbness in their body, you need to take this very seriously. This is definitely one of the most often seen Mini Stroke Symptom, so react accordingly. Some stroke patients have also reported a sense of trembling in their bodies during the initial stage of their stroke. This could appear as an uncontrollable shivering or shakes. If you are not in a very cold area, please consider this as a possible Mini Stroke Symptom and seek immediate medical attention.
Mini Stroke Symptom - Time is of the Essence
When it comes to helping someone who may be having a stroke, you are going to want to look at the signs. Make sure that when you do see some of the signs and symptoms, that you seek medical help immediately. I know this was just mentioned above, but this can not be stressed enough. You will want to get them medical attention quickly so that you can help your loved one. If they are experiencing a stroke, every minute that you delay in seeking help may cause more brain damage. Because of the prevalence of a repeat stroke, it is especially important to be looking for stroke signs if the person has already had one or more strokes.
In this article we have looked at some of the possible Mini Stroke Symptom that you may see in someone who is experiencing a stroke. Please do not take this lightly, especially if a person has a history of prior strokes. If in doubt, seek immediate medical attention.
Are you or a loved one at risk for having a stroke? Perhaps you have already experienced a stroke and are ready to begin the healing process. To find out more about Mini Stroke Symptoms and life after a stroke AND get your FREE report "What Is Stroke and How It Affects You" go to

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Can Qigong Help Stroke Recovery

A stroke occurs when blood supply to the brain is interrupted. The most common cause of stroke is a blockage of arteries leading to the brain. Its effect will depend on which part of the brain is affected, and its severity. Stroke, also known as brain attack, happens rapidly and hence immediate treatment is very critical. Persons with stroke will usually feel weak suddenly, lose sensation, and have difficulty to talk, see or walk.
The year of 1999 was definitely not a good one for Michael who is a businessman of age 61 at that time because a contract fell through and a client failed to pay him. Nevertheless, he decided to put all these behind and traveled with his wife to celebrate the New Year of 2000 at Caesar's Palace in Las Vegas. Waking up on the New Year's Day after a night's revelry, he felt something was not right. He found difficulty to do up his shirt and his leg would not work properly and he suspected he had suffered a stroke during his sleep.
He did not want to be hospitalized away from home and family, so he pretended he had a leg injury and got on the plane and returned home. Upon alighting at the airport, he went straight to the hospital and was warded for some time before doctor allowed him to return home.
The stroke had affected the right side of Michael's body and also his speech. He was prescribed with anti-platelet medication to prevent a stroke from recurring and a possible heart attack that he was at a higher risk of getting.
From Internet, he learnt about how "qigong" could help stroke patients recover. He did a 6-month intensive course, and learnt about qi (Chinese for energy) and the importance of having a balance between body and mind. Qigong also taught him to focus his body's energies on healing himself and to relax. Learning to relax is important for stroke patients like him as stroke occurs amid stressful circumstances.
He is 68 now. Although he has never fully regained his speech and mobility, qigong has helped him to forget his bitterness about the stroke improved his mobility, and allowed him to embrace a fuller life once again. He has re-learnt to drive again, and he now plays golf.
Of course, he also watches what he eats to keep his blood pressure and cholesterol level down. He reiterated that he should have sought treatment sooner as the outcome would have been better.
He now teaches qigong relaxation techniques to other stroke survivors and shares his experience to help other people recover and keep a positive outlook.
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Heart Disease Prevention - 8 Simple Ways You Can Do Immediately, Go to:

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Heat Strokes Treatment - Effective Home Remedies for Heat Stroke

Heat stroke also known as sun stroke, is a condition whereby body system of cooling itself stops working and body's core temperature rises above dangerous levels. It is worst kind of illness caused by heat more dangerous than heat exhaustion and hyperthermia. When the cooling system of body is affected there is possibility of damage to brain due to increase in body temperature which further damages the part of body controlled by the affected part of brain.
It's a condition which needs immediate treatment from a doctor. Any delay in treatment can lead to brain damage, shock and even death in worst cases. In the mean time when medical treatment can be made available, the person suffering from heat stroke can be given certain home remedies can be taken to avoid grave consequences.The best known ones are:
1. Onion juice is first thing person should be applied immediately after the heat stroke. Person with a heat stroke should be given a mixture of roasted chopped onion with sugar and cumin seed powder mixed in an open pan on heat. Such a paste should be applied to the area behind ears and on the chest.
2. Drinking Basil leaves juice extracted and mixed with sugar is yet another home remedy for sun stroke.
3. One of popular home remedy is made with raw mangoes. Raw mangoes are boiled and then soaked in cold water. Pulp of these raw mangoes is to be mixed with cumin seeds, salt, jiggery, pepper and coriander along with some water. This mixture can be consumes 3-4 times to avoid its symptoms.
4. Coconut milk grinded is yet another product useful at the time of heat stroke. Coconut milk mixed along with black peppercorns become like a paste which can be applied to parts of body to give cooling to the part and treating sun stroke.
5. One can have buttermilk with little salt also as a remedy to cure heat stroke. Butter milk is very helpful and should be consumes as well as applied to the body.
6. Plums soaked in water and mashed in water can be consumed before sleeping for healing heat stroke and avoiding its symptoms.
7. One of the simple home remedy of heat stroke is made with coriander leaves. Take coriander juice and drink it after mixing with little sugar added to it to help in symptoms.
8. Boil some water and add little tamarind in it. After it gets strains person suffering from heat stroke should take is twice to control the body temperature.
Since prevention is always better than cure, all these things like raw mango juice, onion, buttermilk etc can be included in daily lifestyle eating and drinking habits during summer time especially for the people who have to face the sun a lot and those who remain in field for a long time. Having these things avoid the possibility of a person to get a sun stroke.
If you want more information about health please visit this site right now.

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Hypnosis Healing and Relaxation Hypnosis - Putting Worry and Anxiety to the Wayside

If you are seeking relaxation, hypnosis is an excellent way to get started. For those that live a stressful life, getting rid of the stress is vital for good health. Stress leads to many life-threatening conditions such as heart disease and stroke. Hypnosis healing makes such a difference to those that have a stressful life. It works at the subconscious level to help relieve anxiety and worries that persist throughout the day and night. It helps induce deep relaxation and brings the body and mind to a state of rest that often doesn't occur naturally with a highly stressed person.
Hypnosis healing is a great way to deal with things that you may think you cannot control. Stress often leads some people to overeat. Some want to sleep more than usual. Others use alcohol or nicotine to relax. All of this helps sooth both the conscious and the subconscious mind. However, none of it is healthy. Using relaxation hypnosis works from the ground up. The hypnotherapist works with the subconscious brain to settle the mind and bring stress levels under control. The therapist can put suggestions in place that will help the client every day to deal with common stressors such as work or money.
Hypnosis healing works with more than relaxation and stress reduction. Many people use the technique to deal with various conditions such as depression or phobias. When you get under the covers of the brain, you deal with the basic function of how the brain reacts to the external world. Relaxation hypnosis works to reduce daily stressors. Therapy with phobias works to reduce the emotional and physical responses to whatever invokes such deep fear. Therapy with depression works to deal with issues that may invoke deep emotional issues.
Hypnosis healing is fantastic when used in conjunction with other therapies. Many people want a magician when they walk into the office. They expect to exit the office a changed person. That will not happen. The hypnotherapist will help relieve the subconscious stressors. For full success, other factors such as environment and planning must be part of any therapy. That includes relaxation hypnosis. To reduce stress, it is important to make changes throughout your life. Time management helps as well as taking personal time. Exercise helps reduce stress levels as well. With a full package, you will get better results in both the short term and the long term. That makes the world of difference.
Nancy Smith is a licensed, certified Massage Therapist, Hypnotherapist, and MA Nurse in Austin, Texas. Nancy is dedicated to to improving the quality of health and well being of people through her holistic healing practices. For more information about Nancy, her practice, services, location and how she can dramatically improve the quality of your life, come visit her web site at [].

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The Healing Powers of Subconscious Mind

There is little in life as remarkable and yet overlooked as the healing powers of subconscious mind. There are many who would not ascribe to this truth and would choose rather to believe that healing comes from the actions of a physician, psychologist or minister. In this article we will take a quick glimpse into the true source of physical and mental restoration and the unlimited healing powers of subconscious mind.
The subconscious mind wields greater power in your life than most people can conceive. Your subconscious mind is the embodiment of who you are. Your feelings, your reactions, your beliefs and the principles by which you live your life are deeply rooted in the subconscious. The subconscious mind also holds miraculous healing power and it is possible to direct that power to heal your mind, spirit and body of any impediment.
Do you believe in miracles? You should. You yourself are a miracle! Just consider your origins. You began as a chance meeting between a sperm and an egg swimming around in seminal fluids. They joined together and nine months later you were born. Consider the magnificent structure of your body and the infinite complexities of the human mind. Now tell me you don't believe in miracles!
Since childhood you have experienced hundreds of healings in your body, from cuts and bruises to sprains and burns. Perhaps you have been blessed to know someone who has experienced a miraculous healing from cancer, diabetes, stroke or any one of a multitude of diseases that have afflicted mankind over the years. There have been many documented cases.
The healing powers of subconscious mind is the conduit for these miraculous healings. Please don't think I am taking anything away from God when I make that statement. God is the healer of all conditions, great and small, but He created our minds to serve us in accordance with our faith and belief.
A prime example of this is the studies conducted on the placebo effect. For those unfamiliar with the term, a placebo is basically a sugar pill containing no medicinal ingredients. In controlled studies, people who were given placebos to treat a medical condition experienced signs of improvement and even cures. They believed first in their conscious mind, then in their subconscious mind, that the pill would cure them. That belief, once it was accepted by the subconscious as truth, then manifested as healing in their physical, mental or emotional being.
Belief is a powerful force. Many educated men and women have written on the power of belief in your personal life. Famous quotes abound from well known and highly successful individuals. Jesus himself said, whatever you ask in prayer, believe that you receive it, and it will be yours.
Belief is rooted in the subconscious mind. Belief is vital. Belief is fundamental. Belief is the source of the healing powers of subconscious mind. Believe and receive!
Ready to unleash the healing powers of subconscious mind? Follow this proven strategy that has helped thousands live a healthier, happier and more prosperous life. There's still time! Go to now!

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Stroke Patients Benefit From Music Therapy


Music therapy is used widely for rehabilitation of patients that have had a stroke. A study reported by Brain Journal of Neurology by the Oxford University Press stated that incorporating music into standard stroke rehabilitation treatments helps improve recovery of speech and memory.
Specifically, when comparing treatment of music to either language therapy or no alternative therapy, the music had a more significant impact on recovery than the use of audio books or no additional stimuli at all. The study also showed that the music lightened the spirits of patients.
According to the study, after six months of therapy the music listeners' verbal memory improved by 60% and remembrance improved by 17%, much higher than the results noted in audio book listeners or patients with nothing. Furthermore, the music listeners were happier and less confused than members of the other groups. The research was carried out on adults who had suffered an ischaemic middle cerebral artery stroke with no prior history of neurological disorder.
Strokes occur when blood can't reach the brain, killing brain tissues. This can cause disability in movement and cognition, as well as death. The stroke can also cause weakness, loss of coordination, and pain. The aftermath of the event includes memory loss, confusion, depression, difficulty speaking, paralysis, and sensory loss.
Standard treatment includes medication to thin the blood that will prevent further clotting, and restrictions on the patient's diet to help improve cholesterol levels.
Musical therapy treatment incorporates melodies that boost alertness, mood and attention due to stimulation of the dopaminergic mesocorticolimbic system, which moderates feelings of pleasure and memory, among other emotions.
By stimulating this system, you trigger the wires for other parts of the brain through neurological connections. Doctors believe that the combination of music and lyrics creates connections, which help to recover losses in other parts of the brain.
Many therapists already use music as a tool. Singing songs can boost speech recovery in stroke patients. By putting words to a familiar song melody, the patient has an easier time of forming words and phrases. Rhythm and clapping, also used by therapists, aid in the recovery of movement and muscle control.
After a stroke, it's important to begin music therapy early, during the acute post-stroke stage. During this period, the brain undergoes many changes that relate to movement, memory and speech that can be augmented by stimulation. The greatest advantage of music therapy is that it can easily be added your your daily routine. Music is everywhere, so with proper guidance you can treat yourself or your loved ones outside of the hospital, maintaining ongoing recovery and a routine of incorporating healthy brain stimulation.
Music therapy can have quite an impact when added to the standard treatment for stroke victims, plus it is a less expensive prescription and relatively accessible. When selecting the type of music, choose something that is familiar to the patient. Playing something that they recognize will improve results of the therapy and improve memory development.
If possible, allow the patient to choose the music him or herself as it may provide an indication of their state of mind and the familiarity of the music is frequently the key to memory retention. Selecting the type of music that stimulates the brain to craft thoughts is the technique used in music therapy to recover speech and recollection.
Using rhythm and basic drums like the djembe or frame drums, also used by therapists, aid in the recovery of movement and muscle control. Visit for more drum therapy instruments and resources.

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Portable Hyperbaric Chamber Are Healing and a Preventative For Strokes

Some say that the loss of memory and brain function caused by the experience of having a stroke is akin to what happens to the brain in cases of near drowning. This connection has been quite lucky, medically speaking, because from it we have discerned that portable hyperbaric oxygen chambers may be used for stroke victims.
In fact, the first hyperbaric chambers were used by navies and diving organizations, so that people might get used to living on less oxygen and have a method of treatment that would work in case anything went wrong. Today, there are many people besides those who have had a stroke who also use hyperbaric chambers. Patients with autism and cerebral palsy, diabetics, and even athletes are seeing positive results from hyperbaric chambers.
Hyperbaric oxygen treatment (HBOT) works by pressurizing the chamber with pure oxygen, much more concentrated than the approximately 20% that we breathe in normally pressurized conditions. The oxygen supply in red blood cells and plasma is replenished, maximizing the amount of oxygen these can carry to muscles and tissue. Oxygen tends to heal injured tissue and organs in the body, restoring internal health. It also leads to better brain function by reducing swelling in the brain and removing excess fluids, making hyperbaric chambers ideal for stroke patients.
Stroke is said to be caused by lack of blood flowing to the brain, which can be in turn due to thrombosis, which is blood clotting due to a lack of oxygen in the blood. Treatments in hyperbaric chambers can reinstate healthy levels of oxygen in the blood, which can help stroke victims recover and, if a patient is susceptible to stroke, prevent it. Stroke may also be caused by air embolism, which can be the migration of gas or air bubbles in the body blocking the flow of blood. In a hyperbaric chamber, this air gets converted to oxygen and dispersed throughout the blood, making air embolism much less likely.
Cases of patients of neurological disorders like cerebral palsy and autism, who have been diagnosed with an unlikely recovery, have also found relief from hyperbaric chambers. After just a short period of time, children with autism had better communication skills, and children with cerebral palsy had better balance and more speaking abilities. Luckily, more is known about stroke than either of these developmental disabilities, so experts can make more connections in the benefits of hyperbaric chambers for stroke victims.
HBOT is an excellent solution for you or your loved one who has had a stroke. Please talk to your doctor before acquiring your own hyperbaric chamber or beginning treatments to make sure it is right for you. Then witness as the portable hyperbaric oxygen chamber makes great differences for someone who has had a stroke or is at risk.
Hyperbaric Oxygen Chambers Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy helps Autism, Cerebral Palsy, MS, Parkinsons, Athletic Performing, healing of wounds, used as immune defense and much more. Visit our site at Hyperbaric Oxygen Chamber Articles to learn more about our lowest market priced single and double chambers.

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Stroke, Anxiety & The Healing Breath


According to the American Heart Association, stroke is the leading cause of serious, long-term disability in the U.S.
We learned firsthand.
My wife Lee had a stroke in early February 2007. It began a dizzying, terrifying period of not only coming to grips with the physical affects, but the mental affects of confusion, making adjustments to daily living, and often the arrival of depression and anxiety as well.
The good news is, conscious breathing can help in many ways.
All of the above were true for Lee, a robust 53-year-old woman with no medical history that would indicate a stroke was in her future, nor a lifestyle that would cause one. Her cholesterol was well below the accepted cutoff for concern, she ate an aspirin a day to ward off just such an event, and lived a healthy life that included exercise and a reasonably sound diet.
Physically, a stroke occurs when a blood vessel that delivers oxygen and nutrients to the brain bursts or is clogged by a blood clot or some other particle. Because of this rupture or blockage, part of the brain doesn't get the blood and oxygen it needs. Deprived of oxygen, nerve cells in the affected area of the brain die within minutes.
There are two main types of stroke. One is caused by blood clots or other particles (ischemic), and the other by bleeding from a burst blood vessel (hemorrhagic). Ischemic strokes are the most common.
Lee's stroke hit her while she slept. She woke up to nightmarish disorientation, trouble focusing, difficulty speaking, and what she described as a "detached" right side of her body. Eight hours in an emergency room, myriad blood tests, EKGs, and an MRI later, it was determined that she had what's called a lacunar stroke, which occurs in an artery in the brain and is a subtype of ischemic stroke). It hit a bull's eye on her pons, an area of the brain that connects the cerebrum with the cerebellum, before sending nerve signals out into the spinal cord and beyond to the body. She lost no cognitive skills or memory, thankfully, but speech and coordination took a direct hit.
That diagnosis began a long series of visits with neurologists, cardiologists, therapists (speech, physical and occupational) and pharmacists. After weeks of religious visits and home therapy guided by her army of providers, she's regained much of her speech, though it's still "slow," as she puts it, and hard work to make her mouth form the words her brain has no trouble recalling.
Her doctors have yet to find the cause, but predict something close to a full recovery. Physically. But there are mental aspects that neither of us imagined. Will it happen again? Will I recover those lost abilities and be able to return to work and a normal life? Will this kill me?
Sobering questions, all. At her lowest moments, all hope appeared to be lost and she sank into a debilitating depression - as if her stroke wasn't enough to deal with. Thanks to the helpful guidance of a Kaiser Permanente mental health counselor and cooperative doctors, Lee has not only some low-dose medication to help quell those abject feelings of depression and anxiety surrounding her condition, but has undergone what's called "cognitive restructuring" to help more organically battle what's happening in her mind.
Much to our delight, part of that mental-health counseling involves conscious breathing. While Lee had an intellectual understanding of breathing's implications (and had watched me practice it in various life situations), she now has a much clearer, vibrant and practical understanding of how it can help alleviate stress, anxiety and depression.
It's easy to slip into what-if mode after an event like this. Breathing, she found, helps keep the focus on the here-and-now, and away from what happened yesterday or the what-ifs of tomorrow. It's helping her eliminate the stress and anxiety of what can be an enervating battle of medical appointments and therapies, slow recovery, and a lingering fear of what the future holds. It rejuvenates the spirit and puts the situation in a more helpful, optimistic light.
Lee is now not only practicing her vocalization (which also relies heavily on conscious breathing), but is taking time to meditate throughout the day, as well as just being aware of her breath.
We can't say that it could or would supplant the medications, but conscious breathing does provide a tremendous mollifying effect on an otherwise fearful situation. And this holds true for a variety of emotional stress - grief, depression and fear - brought on my difficult situations or illness.
Unhealthy breathing habits are strongly associated with depression. Shallow breathing and frequent pause-and-sigh patterns can result in higher blood pressure, anxiety, restlessness and fatigue. Using deep, slow breathing to activate the parasympathetic nervous system counteracts these symptoms and helps develop the self-awareness that has been shown to be effective in elevating the mood, self-esteem, and overall emotional health of persons with depression. The Indian Institute of Mental Health and Neurosciences reports that deep breathing techniques can sometimes be as effective as traditional drug treatments and counseling.
Applying simple, yet incredibly powerful breath control can be a weapon against specific emotional challenges. Remember that whatever combination of treatments are being employed to resolve counterproductive emotional patterns, conscious breathing is something that you can do that will immediately begin to counteract the negative effects on your immune system and your circulatory system, calm your nerves, and help keep you rooted firmly in the moment instead of wrestling with the past or future.
Depression Release Breathing
This exercise, from Michael Reed Gach ([]), can help you let go of depression using acupressure and deep breathing.
  • Lie down on your back or sit comfortably, with your spine straight, and feet flat on the floor.
  • Reach up toward the sky with both hands; take a deep breath, and as you hold your breath, make tight fists and squeeze, tightening all the muscles in your arms.
  • Slowly exhale, tensing your arms, bringing your fists down, to your chest
  • Repeat steps 2 and 3 several times.
  • Now cross your arms in front of your chest, with your fingers touching the upper outside area of the chest, (in acupressure it's known a point Lu 1, also Letting Go); your wrists cross at the center of your upper chest.
  • Lower your chin toward your chest.
  • Inhale four short breaths in a row (without exhaling) through your nose, filling your lungs completely on the fourth breath. Hold the breath for a few seconds with the chest full and expanded.
  • Exhale slowly through your mouth.
  • Repeat this exercise for two or three minutes, concentrating on the depth and rhythm of the breath.
Don Campbell and Al Lee are the authors of Perfect Breathing (Sterling Publishng/2008) and write, speak, train, and blog tirelessly on the subject. Discover more ways you can improve your health, performance, and wellbeing at Reach them at or []

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Traditional Chinese Medicine Used by Stroke Patients

Patients and doctors alike have resorted to eastern methodologies in search for a cure to the damage caused by stroke. Ancient techniques such as Ayurveda and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) have become popular alternatives for stroke rehabilitation as results have shown more effective than the western approach.
Traditional Chinese Medicine, which already is popular among stroke patients, comes in the form of herbal medication and century-old therapeutic techniques like Acupuncture and Tong Ren Therapy.
Acupuncture, as scary as this may sound, is a painless procedure of inserting and manipulating threadlike needles into specific points on the body for stimulation and treatment. There are other types of acupuncture besides the Traditional Chinese Acupuncture. These are the Japanese Style Acupuncture, Korean Hand Acupuncture, and Auricular Acupuncture.
Regardless of type used, acupuncture can facilitate nerve regeneration and redirect surviving nerve cells pass stroke-damaged parts of the brain. Acupuncture also dilates blood cells, decreases blood viscosity, and prevents the aggregation of blood cells. Stroke patients have experienced relief from headaches, dizziness and hypertension besides improvement in walking, balance, mobility, and emotions.
Traditional Chinese Medicine also implores the Tong Ren Therapy, which is an energy healing technique.
Tong Ren Therapy is based on the Chinese belief that every person has energy that can be accessed through different points of the body and used for healing.
Though infamous compared to Acupuncture, Tong Ren Therapy is like acupuncture minus the needles that have healed numerous patients with problems in blood flow, hormones, and nervous systems.
Herbal medication, on the other hand, involves the consumption of a specific herb or a combination of herbs specifically formulated for stroke recovery. Chinese herbs are known to help improve blood circulation that reinvigorate internal systems and, in turn, restores the functioning of the brain affected by the stroke. Experience has shown that regular intake of Chinese herbs has treated stroke patients with aphasia, hemiplegia, disorientation, and impaired memory and language.
In particular, the Chinese herb Ginseng is prescribed to restore and tone the blood besides boosting body energy. Gingko Biloba, on the other hand, is thought to improve blood circulation especially blood flow in the brain, though, together with its other claimed properties such as lowering plasma cholesterol concentration, there are much debate about its efficacy
Nowadays, technology has made Traditional Chinese Medicine more accessible and convenient for stroke patients. One brilliant example is Neuroaid. Taking its origins in the TCM, this post-stroke treatment gives way to hope as it proved to be efficient in post stroke recovery. Neuroaid is now being prescribed by neurologists all around the world and has been proven to help stroke patients recover their functional skills. A large number of published article in reputable scientific journal points towards its property in restoring neurological functions such as motor skills, speech and vision. Interesting enough, the results of further scientific studies published early this February 2010 point out that Neuroaid is not only safe and efficient for stroke rehabilitation but could also be effective in reducing the severity of stroke if taken as a preventive measure.
Find out more about stroke recovery and stroke rehabilitation here.
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Omega-3 Supplements Heal the Brain After A Stroke


Every year, at least 700,000 adults around the world suffer from a stroke, and around 85% of these are ischemic strokes. An ischemic stroke occurs when one of the arteries that bring fresh blood to the brain get blocked, causing damage to the tissues near the site of the blockage. If you or someone you love has suffered from an ischemic stroke recently, consider making omega-3 supplements part of the rehabilitation program. Not only do omega-3 fatty acids have a reputation for preventing blood clots that lead to stroke; they may help the brain heal after a stroke.
The average person can recover from a stroke shortly after the clot is removed; in fact, most improvements occur spontaneously the first month after the stroke. However, stroke patients do not recover without help. The recovery period is influenced by the medical team, the extent of the damage, and the support of family and friends. In addition, the area of the clot gets contaminated by pro-inflammatory enzymes and free radicals that trigger cell death, even after the clot is removed. Adults who do not recover immediately can be helped through rehabilitation therapy, where the healthy regions of the brain are "trained" to take over the work of the damaged part.
New research from the University of Louisiana discovered that omega-3 fatty acids from fish oil pills can promote recovery by helping damaged brain tissue heal and reducing permanent tissue damage. The study involved the participation of stroke patients, who took the omega-3 fat docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) intravenously three, four, five, and six hours after the stroke occurred. The researchers observed that administering DHA reduced destroyed brain tissue by 40% at 3 hours, 66% at four hours, and 59% at five hours, and saving them from permanent damage. The effects of omega-3 fats were also just as effective as the conventional thrombolysis treatment that makes use of clot-destroying drugs. In fact, fish oil was easy to administer, has a higher chance of success, and produced fewer side effects.
Animal studies also show that DHA reduces inflammation, improves neurobehavioral recovery, and reduces neurological damage after a stroke.
While omega-3 supplements won't always save a person from the ravages of stroke, it may increase the success of the rehabilitation program and provides a safer alternative to conventional medical treatments. Ask your doctor about taking a fish oi supplement to help you recover from a stroke and prevent another one from happening.
Dr. Yannick Pauli is an expert on natural approaches to ADHD and the author of the popular self-help home-program The Unritalin Solution. He is Director of the Centre Neurofit in Lausanne, Switzerland and has a passion taking care of children with ADHD. Click on the link for more great information about what is ADHD.

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Stroke: Stroke Damage Treatment- Paralysis and Energy Healing

Suddenly you feel a portion of your body pause, lose sensation and stop functioning correctly. Your eyes may see double, your tongue might tingle, and your arm or leg may drag for few minutes. If these symptoms continue for a few minutes (15-20) you are having a stroke. Those are the symptoms of a TIA or Transient Ischemic Attack, known as a mini stroke. The sneaky part is that in both a TIA and a lesser stroke, the symptoms come and go for the lucky individual. If you can't produce an even smile on both sides of your face, remember the date, or have continued numbness on one side of your body, go to the hospital emergency room immediately. You have a 3-hour window to have an opportunity to reverse any major damage.
For those who exhibit and experience major impairment and who are unable to obtain immediate treatment, stroke damage may result in paralysis, nerve damage, and other dehabilitating symptoms. The good news is, usually in time, you can have some form of restored function in the areas of your body that were initially damaged.
Acupuncture has recently been providing significant restorative results by improving some physical functions for stroke victims. According to CBC News, "The functional electrical stimulation rowing machine, developed by researchers in Edmonton and England, helps people with disabilities (paraplegics and others) enjoy the benefits of regular exercise."
As a medical intuitive and distance energy healer, energy healing is another modality that provides electromagnetic stimulation and shows great promise in treating and curing stroke damage and regenerating damaged nerves. By using directed electromagnetic bio molecular energy healing, we can reframe bio structures, ie nerve impulse generators and their neural pathways that direct your body's physical functions to their initial blueprint of health. Neural pathways can be restructured so that those with paralysis can move their legs or arms. Numb extremities can be revived and regenerated to sensation.
In several clients with stroke complications, after their cellular and neural connections were restored and regenerated, physical therapy was used to restrengthen their muscles that had weakened due to lack of use during the early stages of their rehabilitation. To date, various stroke symptoms and complications can be lessened or reversed with energy healing.
Energy healing is cutting edge and is being clinically researched as a healing modality that shows great promise in assisting and restoring the physical health of those who have experienced a stroke.
Feel free to reprint this article in its original format.
Contact Information:
Brent Atwater, Alternative Medical Specialist
Medical Intuitive, Distance Energy Healing
ATL, GA Phone: 404.242.9022 USA
NC Phone: 910.692.5206 USA
Disclaimer: Brent Atwater is not a medical doctor or associated with any branch of medicine. Brent works in Alternative & Integrative Medicine. She offers her opinions based on her intuition, and her personal energy healing work, which is not a substitute for medical procedures or treatments. Always consult a physician or trained health care professional concerning any medical problem or condition before undertaking any diet, health related or lifestyle change programs. As in traditional medicine, there are no guarantees with medical intuition or energy work.
Brent Atwater: Medical Intuitive, Distant Energy Healer: As an integrative medical specialist (CAM), her international evidence based Medical Intuitive & Distance Energy Healing work is published and has been studied by & or documented at Duke, the ARE, & for animals by the NCSU's Vet school. She participates in research & clinical trials. ARTIST: An artist 30+yrs, Brent is a pioneer in healing art by scientifically documenting Paintings that Heal™. Her art was featured on "PBS". At 16, NC Museum of Art chose her painting for the permanent collection. She founded Just Plain Love™ Charitable Trust to benefit children. AUTHOR: Just Plain Love™ Children's Healing Books. The books are translated into plays performed in children's healthcare facilities turning illness negatives into positives. "Cancer Kids, God's Special Children". "Positive Attitudes, Affirmations, & Actions for Overcoming Your Health Challenges", & "Positive Attitudes, Affirmations & Actions to Help Survive Your Cancer Experience". Brent attended Wake Forest Law School and is a minister.

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